With thousands of students a day rushing to their classes or hustling to get back to their dorms, it's especially important to ensure safety in such a fast paced environment. Keeping track of each...
Commercial Security Systems: Analog Vs. Digital Cameras
If you are seeking to implement a security camera system at your business, one of the decisions you may have to make is whether to opt for a digital (a.k.a. IP) camera, or an analog camera. Deciding...
Mistakes To Avoid When Searching For A Video Surveillance System
Security cameras are one of the most powerful tools businesses can use to protect facilities and critical assets. Unfortunately, setting up a security system is not as simple as just hanging up a...
There are many aspects to Resolution but for simplicities sake, Resolution is a way to measure the size of the video being produced. Smaller images produce low resolution video; larger images produce...
What Are The Basic Components Of An Access Control System?
To better understand how to enhance your property's security, it's important to first understand the basics of different security technology. Access control systems enhance building safety and...
Why You Should Migrate From Analog To IP Security Cameras
To Video surveillance is a necessity to keep your building and it's patrons safe. Although several businesses have already migrated their analog to IP security cameras, others are unsure if newer...
5 Reasons To Upgrade Your Commercial Security System
You may be wondering if upgrading your property's security system is necessary or if you can push it off a little longer. Although saving money is key, an outdated system can cost you more if an...
If you walk onto almost any construction site, it’s reasonable to expect you will have a security camera looking at you. Some construction site cameras are monitored live and others are recording to...
Fire detection systems are used as a precautionary measure to help alert people if a building were to be at risk of fire. However, if the system isn't functioning properly, then you and your property...