USI Security Tips

Why Businesses Don't Often Upgrade Their Security: But Probably Should

November 18, 2016

Keeping your business and its patrons protected is important but more often than not, many businesses don't possess the proper security to do so. Just like regularly changing the locks to enhance building safety, businesses should also update and upgrade their overall security. Over time business elements will change such as growth, new neighboring businesses and customer expectations, which means your previous security must be equipped to handle these changes. You may feel the technology you have is effective, however, there are several risks involved with outdated systems that your facility may not even be aware of. This post discusses why business don't often upgrade their security but why they should. 


I Already Have A Security System In Place 

One of the most obvious benefits of upgrading your security is that your business will be more protected if an incident were to occur. However, many business owners feel their security system is already efficient enough. More security risks arise over time and businesses should be prepared to prevent any security incidents from happening. For instance,  your business may already have video surveillance but outdated cameras may not have the technology to identify every area, creating several blind spots where crime can go undetected. In addition to blind spots, older systems may also not provide clear and concise imagery that may be required in proper identification. 

This is just one example of how outdated systems hinder the overall security. To see if your business needs to upgrade its security, consult with a security company that offers a building risk assessment. This assessment will let you see what areas are at risk and how the latest technology can improve the sections needing improvement. Utilize a risk assessment of the property to analyze each and every entry point, visitor access, hallway cameras, etc. as you’ll obtain a better understanding of needed safety measures. Not only can you see what areas require an upgrade but also have the opportunity to learn more about innovative security technology that advances safety measurements altogether.

I Don't Have The Money To Upgrade Right Now 

It's common to hesitate investing in new security technology and personnel due to financial concerns. However, as you are analyzing your budget, it's important to consider cost vs. benefit. How much are you spending on your old security systems and how much would your business have to pay if an incident were to occur. Compare that to the costs of new security and how much that can save you in the long run.

Have you noticed your older systems constantly need maintenance or you have to consistently change the locks as incidents continue to occur? Old security systems can often need maintenance but when fixed, still don't provide optimal quality. Upgrading your security and utilizing the latest technology or even updating your previous technology will save your business money and ensure you have what you need to keep your facility protected. Newer systems that are easier to use also save time and money when new employees need to learn how the technology functions. 

New Security Won't Really Do Anything

There are many people who make fraudulent claims against businesses. These claims can be made by both customers and by your own employees. With updated and upgraded security systems there is less likelihood that such a false claim will be made. Additionally, if a claim were to be made, you'll have the security technology and personnel available that proves a particular incident never happened or was not a serious as claimed. Ultimately, by effective technology, you will be able to check the validity of any claim made against you.

I Need To Focus On Growing My Business First

A benefit many businesses may not consider is how the presence of security can enhance reputation and assist with business growth. Simply put, when your building seems to have the latest technology, people feel safer. People want to work with businesses they trust and this is another way to do so. Additionally, as businesses grow they often attract more visitors to them and the ability to easily and efficiently manage these visitors is vital for their safety and business credibility. Depending on the crowd your business is trying to attract, deterring unwanted visitors will also help expand your business grow in the direction you are wanting. 

United Security Incorporated | Security For Businesses

At USI Integrated Solutions, we bring together a highly experienced team, keen strategic planning and in-depth understanding of the leading technologies in the field. For over 30 years we have brought peace of mind to our clients through the careful application of investigative talent and technology implementation. When it comes to the security of your building, it's best not to leave it up to chance. Be sure that you have made every effort possible to keep your property, employees, and visitors well protected. If you have any concerns, you should consider having your security measures evaluated by a reputable company.

Click below to schedule a no-cost property evaluation to see what areas of your business need a security upgrade. 

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