Top 10 Reasons Attorneys Should Hire Private Investigators

Private investigators can be extremely useful to attorneys. They can compile information that attorneys do not have time to gather. Because of their specialized expertise in gathering information efficiently and legally, private investigators can lighten the workload of attorneys while compiling evidence that will be admissible in court. Here are some of the top reasons why attorneys should consider using private investigators on their cases.

private investigators

1. Locating People

Private investigators are experts at locating individuals that don’t want to be found. They can help you find people that are important to your case such as witnesses or even defendants. Attorneys do not have time to chase down important people for their cases, but the presence of those people can make all the difference. Private investigators can track down these individuals so attorneys can focus on their cases.

2. Locating Assets

Private investigators are not only skilled at locating individuals, but also at locating assets. In cases such as divorce and child support, it’s important to know about all of the assets of both parties. However, many people have offshore accounts or other hidden assets that they don’t disclose. Private investigators will do the research to locate all hidden assets in order to come to a fair agreement in a court case.

3. Gathering Evidence

Attorneys do not always have time to gather all of the necessary evidence for a case. Private investigators can fill in the gaps. They are experts at taking clear crime scene photos to help analyze certain cases. They can also re-interview witnesses. Second interviews can be useful to examine whether a witness sticks to their original testimony. Witnesses or others who stray from their original stories can then be investigated further to help get a clearer picture of what happened.

4. Recovering Payments

Many court cases end with the court awarding an individual a judgment for damages. Unfortunately, there are times when individuals do not follow through on the payments they owe. Private investigators can help ensure payments are enforced. When necessary, they can identify an individual’s assets or even locate the individual in order to help recover the debt that is owed.

5. Preparing for Cross Examinations

Private investigators can help gather information about the people attorneys need to cross examine. This information will help attorneys better prepare for their cross examination, learning about the individuals’ backgrounds and behavior. PI’s can also gather information against your client to prepare you for every possible argument the opposition might take.

6. Identifying Leverage for Negotiations

Private investigators are experts at gathering information about people and companies. They can investigate each individual of a company in order to understand all of the relationships within the company and how it functions as a whole. Understanding the inner workings of the company and/or people involved in the case will help attorneys gain leverage when proceeding in negotiations.

7. Analyzing Opponents’ History

Private investigators are great at gathering and analyzing in-depth histories of attorneys’ opponents. They can gather an in-depth history to greater understand the opponent, compiling a family history and identifying heirs in applicable cases. They can also gather histories of the opposing attorneys in order to better understand the tactics they might use in court.

8. Outsourcing Experts

In addition to their skills, one of the most valuable things that private investigators have to offer is their network. PI’s are in the business of knowing people. Therefore, they can help you find experts in whatever field you need. Because of the extensive research private investigators perform, you might find that they are experts in many useful fields. However, when you need an outside expert, private investigators can provide contacts to help with the case.

9. Digital Research

Not only can private investigators do valuable research in the field, but they have extensive knowledge of the latest research technology as well. They can comb through the social media of defendants, witnesses, and others related to the case to come across valuable information that might not be available otherwise. They also have access to important technologies such as the latest background check software in order to gather important information about individuals related to a case.

10. Connecting the Dots

One of the most valuable things that private investigators have and attorneys lack is time. Private investigators have more time to mull over the details of a case in order to reach certain conclusions. Additionally, private investigators are smart and intuitive and can provide valuable insights to help understand a case. These insights combined with the valuable information they can gather through research will help attorneys connect the dots in important cases.

United Security Incorporated | Corporate Investigative Services

USI’s Investigations and Consulting Services is built on discretion, integrity and professionalism to ensure that every case, large or small, is handled accurately and timely. We provide cost-effective, efficient investigative services for a diverse range of clients including law firms, corporations, insurance companies, small businesses, government entities and individuals.

USI’s Investigations Division provides comprehensive investigative services including:

  • Attorney’s Services
  • Criminal/Civil Investigations
  • Background Checks
  • Executive Protection
  • Fraud and Theft Investigation
  • Physical Security Assessments
  • Threat Assessments
  • Undercover Operations

For more information, click below to contact us about working with a professional private investigator. 

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