Threat intelligence or cyber threat intelligence is information about threats that can hopefully help mitigate harmful cyber threats and hackers. The information is not the same as raw data, it has...
When Should You Upgrade Your Access Control System?
Access control is the first line of defense for your company’s security. If your system is out of date, it’s likely you’re at a higher risk for breaches and vulnerable to physical security misuse....
How to Protect Your Business From a Phishing Attack
Phishing is one of the most common forms of cyber attacks. Hackers will manipulate people by impersonating banks, fellow employees and friends in order to steal confidential credentials or...
7 Benefits of Cloud-Based Visitor Management Systems on Campuses
The safety and security of school campuses has become a top priority over the years. Knowing who is visiting and how long they will be there is critical to the safety and security of others, and for...
Tips for Minimizing the Risk of a Third-Party Data Breach
In today’s business world, it’s common to share some form of company data with third-party vendors, whether through outsourcing or physical security systems. Unfortunately, third-party data breaches...
How Insurance Companies can Benefit from a Private Investigator
Insurance companies will likely hire a private investigator to assist with insurance claims such as personal injury, workers’ compensation, disability insurance, or healthcare, and determine whether...
Reasons Your Business Needs a Video Surveillance Security System
Every business needs to be aware of the security of their premises. Thankfully, today’s video security options are more advanced than ever. Installing a high-tech video surveillance security system...
How Security Technology Can Improve Business Operation
Technology is an integral part of any business operation, and with cyber attacks on the rise amid the remote work orders, many companies are utilizing security platforms more increasingly to avoid a...
If you run a business, the security of your information, staff and property are always a priority. But do you know if you’re taking all the proper precautions to keep your company safe? Alarms and...