5 Facts About Private Investigators That Aren't Common Knowledge

Professional private investigators aid in many situations for attorneys to argue their case effectively. They are known most for locating people and assets using a thorough and systematic approach to finding key people. Working with a private investigator can help attorney’s leverage their position to find creative and efficient ways to help improve their odds to win a case. However, private investigators can do a lot more than most people may think, assisting attorneys and the general public. Read this article to learn more about the hidden facts of private investigators you didn't know. 

Private Investigators in CT, NY, MA, NJ and PA

Social Media Is An Information Overload

Your personal profile on social media is not as private as you think it is. In fact, people feel so comfortable disclosing everything about their lives on social media, which makes private investigators' job significantly easier. Think about how much you share on your profile like your full name, where you are from, where you work, people you are friends with, and pictures showcasing your habits, hobbies and common areas you frequent. Realistically, social media is a goldmine of information and you are serving it up to private investigators on a silver platter. 

They Can Access Your Bank Account

Yes, they can access your bank account but no they can not manage your funds or make changes. Private investigators are able to access your bank account with the purpose of finding out how much money a person has and if they are withholding assets. This is especially common for divorce or litigation cases. The information they find may not always be admissible in court but private investigators are permitted to access and analyze the information, which they can then pass on to an attorney. 

Your Trash Can Be Their Treasure

Once something is thrown away, the items become a great resource for private investigators. For instance, maybe the investigation needs to prove a person was at a certain location and the investigator finds muddy shoes in the trash proving they were. Even more common, private investigators typically find signs of drug abuse in the trash, which is important evidence for many cases, especially a child custody case. This may not be the highlight of their day but the trash can contain the necessary evidence a private investigator needs to assist a case. 

Private Investigators Can Help With Online Scammers

The internet has advanced over the years, giving people access to virtually any type of information they want. From social media, online dating, and the ever growing world of e-commerce, how much do we really know about the people or businesses on the other end? People can make fake profiles or easily lie about who they are and this leads to a lot of scams over the internet. Luckily, private investigators can help with these type of cases. It’s common for people involved in online romances to have worries about whether the person they’re communicating with is being honest about who they are. Usually private investigators get involved if the person starts to ask for money or requesting to meet in person. Furthermore, the same can be said about transactions made online. A person can be claiming to sell certain items or owning a business they don’t, requiring personal information be given. Ultimately, if you think you are being scammed, you probably are and a private investigator can help.

They Are Often Hired Under False Pretenses 

Most private investigators have extensive training and experience in the field. Therefore, they have worked with many people under a number of circumstances and typically know when they are being hired under false pretenses. Although private investigators are typically hired to locate people, they are not going to pass on personal information to just anyone. Sometimes a private investigator may be hired to track down an old friend or family member but with the intentions to get information about an individual they don't personally know. To weed out individuals hiring a PI under false pretenses, investigators may gather the requested information but only pass it along when they're sure the individual is who they claim to be. 

United Security Incorporated | Private Investigators in CT, NY, MA, NJ and PA

While many of us want to see the good in people, the world does have it's fair share of dishonest and fraudulent people. We recognize that there are situations that call for professional guidance and assistance when individuals and companies are concerned about the truth.

Whether our private investigators are working to help an attorney gather evidence, investigate investment scams or follow a suspected unfaithful spouse, our clients rely on us to minimize the risk and gather clear objective evidence. In today's world, it's definitely better to be safe than sorry, and get the facts.

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