Common Misconceptions About Upgrading Security Technology Systems

Misconceptions About Upgrading Security TechnologyYour property is much more than a physical location to conduct business-- it's crucial to stay up to date with modern security technology. Odds are, if you haven't already upgrade your security system, you've at least considered it at one time or another. So what's been preventing you from taking the plunge? Well, like many property owners, you've likely convinced yourself or been falsely informed that you don't need a comprehensive security system.

Unfortunately, there's a plethora of conflicting information regarding security system upgrades available online, so it's reasonable that you sometimes don't know who to trust. Security systems aren't safe from misconceptions; this post covers several common misconceptions about upgrading your property's security technology.

Digital Video Surveillance Systems Are Too Expensive

Upon first review, the expense associated with replacing existing cameras with state-of-the-art digital equipment can be intimidating. However, if you intend to replace older legacy analog video cameras, take into account these three main factors:

  • Digital cameras typically offer better resolution and wider viewing angles, making it possible for you to use fewer cameras than you currently have in your arsenal
  • The cabling necessary for digital cameras is more efficient and easier for technicians to install.
  • Digital video systems require lower installation and maintenance costs.

Newer Video Surveillance Systems Require A Lot Of Work

There are four main ways digital surveillance can make your team’s life easier. First, captured video footage is stored on digital video recorders (DVR’s) and that makes it much more accessible and easier to search. With older systems, watching hours of analog video was the method for finding specific footage; yet now, you can search using any number of tools and find the video footage that you are looking for much more quickly.

Secondly, digital surveillance systems no longer tie your business down to a room full of monitors—since the digital footage is on the same network as your other systems, employees responsible for security can access the video footage from home or a smartphone.

The maintenance required for a digital system is far less than the maintenance necessary for using an analog system. Many of the adjustments you used to make to cameras involved getting up on a ladder and physically adjusting things like direction and focus; yet, with a new digital system, these adjustments can be carried out by simply logging into the camera and making the changes from your keyboard/keypad.

Finally, by using robust software, a digital surveillance system can monitor video feeds and pick up on events or activities automatically through motion detection, leading you to smarter surveillance.

Adding Fake Cameras To Deter Criminals Is Acceptable

Do not fall into this trap—you should not add “dummy” cameras around your property, especially if you value your facility. The problem with fake cameras is that they are easy for criminals to identify, since they’re often crafted with poorly designed materials that aren’t as strong as what real cameras may typically feature. A real security camera system will be much better to use as it will be an actual deterrent.

Our Business’ Wi-Fi Network Can Handle The Camera System

It’s likely that you will not be able to get your security camera system working with a traditional Wi-Fi setup—you’ll likely need your own dedicated setup to ensure that your system works correctly. Essentially, you need to plan ahead to make sure you have dedicated bandwidth setup with some special connections ready to make it easier for you to get your Wi-Fi setup to work properly.

Upgrading Access Control Will Disrupt Business

Unfortunately, many property owners express concerns over an access control upgrade disrupting business flow.

According to IFSEC Global's 2016 Access Control Report, opinions were mixed as to whether upgrading access-control would be disruptive to daily business, with a majority anticipating that it would be 'somewhat disruptive'. However, the same report noted that while numerous respondents indicated it was worth the short-term inconvenience as it boosted "efficiency".

Many of the perceived system failures are a result of system operators and database integration-- not the system itself. Other failures involve third-party hardware (i.e. the lock-sets and door hardware) rather than the actual access control system.

It's essential to keep this in mind: access control system upgrades can be carried out with minimal disruption if a nuanced approach is considered and installation times are planned when a site is used less. So, for instance, an evening installation within an office environment would go a long way towards minimizing disruption. At United Security Incorporated, we work closely with each and every client to roll out new access control systems strategically and efficiently.

United Security Incorporated | Upgrading Security Technology

When it comes to the security of your building, it's best not to leave it up to chance. Be sure that you have made every effort possible to keep your property, employees, and visitors well protected. If you have any concerns, you should consider having your security measures evaluated by a reputable company.

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