5 Reasons to Update Your Retail Security System

Retail stores are highly vulnerable to theft and other security breeches. Because they house such valuable inventory, it’s important to protect it, the store, and the employees. If your retail store has not updated its security system in a while, it might be time. Because technology is constantly changing and advancing, it’s important to periodically upgrade your system to ensure that your store is properly protected. Here are five reasons to update your retail security system today.

retail security

1. New Features

If your system hasn’t been updated in a while, you might be missing out on new features that can help protect your retail establishment. You might benefit from access control or keyless entry. If your alarms are not sufficient, you might consider new, more effective alarms. Newer security systems feature the ability to monitor surveillance footage remotely, which can be a very valuable asset to monitor and promote security in your retail store. If your security system hasn’t been updated in a while, you should consider an update to make sure you’re taking advantage of all of the features available to you.

2. Improved Security Footage

The newer your surveillance cameras and security system are, the better your surveillance footage will be. Newer cameras are better quality and can provide a clearer picture that will help you better monitor your retail store. When upgrading your system, you might also find that your cameras can be better placed to cover more areas of your store. For the best coverage and best quality surveillance footage, you’ll need a fully updated security system.

3. Fix Holes in Security

Upgrading your security system is a great opportunity to fix any problems or holes in your security system. You might have parts of your building that are not covered by cameras. You could also be vulnerable to security breaches you are unaware of. When updating your security system, you should consider getting a security risk assessment. A professional security company will assess your current security system, identify any holes or errors in your system, and make suggestions for improvement. If it’s been a while since you’ve updated your retail security system, you might be vulnerable to holes in your system that should be fixed.

4. Integrated Security

One of the benefits of newer security systems is the ability to integrate. You can integrate access control, video surveillance, and various types of alarms into one integrated system. Not only will this integration provide better protection for your retail establishment, but it will also be much easier to use. If your current security system is not integrated, you should consider updating your system.

5. Protect Your Store

The most important reason to consider updating your retail security system is to protect your store and keep the building, your employees, your customers, and your inventory safe. Older security systems will leave your store vulnerable to theft and other threats. Updating your system will lessen the likelihood of these events, deterring people from committing crimes, stopping people in the act, and rendering them completely unable to commit a crime. Protecting your store is important to every retail establishment manager and owner, and updating your system is essential to its protection.

USI Security | Security For Retail Businesses

At USI Security, we bring together a highly experienced team, keen strategic planning and in-depth understanding of the leading technologies and security services in the field. For 26 years we have brought peace of mind to our clients through the careful application of investigative talent, technology implementation as well as providing trained and licensed security officers. Learn more about our products and services to improve the safety of your property at http://usisecurity.com or give us a call at 1-800-874-6434.

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