3 Quick Suggestions to Help Find a Reputable Private Investigator

Private Investigator Tips

One of the most significant decisions a person can make in an investigation is to hire a private investigator. A professional investigator can sometimes make the difference between a prosperous and dismal outcome. Due to the fact that quality investigators are somewhat rare, you may find yourself searching far and wide for a reputable investigative services company. However, if you follow a few simple guidelines, incorporate some common sense, and trust your instincts, your search will have been worthwhile.

In our previous post, Tips to Keep in Mind When Hiring a Private Investigator, we covered basic tips to help ensure that you find a professional investigator who can help lawfully uncover important case-altering information. This post expands upon those tips, helping you to find a private investigator that you will be comfortable to work with.

Character Traits To Look For

Upon meeting a private investigator for the first time, consider what your overall impression of them is. Are they overly concerned with money and payments (remember, your needs come first)? Do you get the sense that you can trust him/her? What are their thoughts on confidentiality? Has this person shown an ethical nature?

Though private investigators are not legally held to an attorney-client or doctor-patient level of confidentiality, a good private investigator will honor this. He or she should never surrender an informant or information, and will keep private everything shared between the two of you.

Some people express valid concerns that their identities may be revealed if a private investigator is confronted by the person being investigated. A professional private investigator would never disclose his/her client’s name. This is meant to protect the client, so if surveillance fail, they won’t have suffered any repercussions as a result of the investigation.

There are some instances, however, when a private investigator may want to inform a subject that he or she is being investigated, like in a case of pre-employment screening. This technique discourages applicants who have something in their backgrounds that would disqualify them.

Can He or She Testify In Court?

Investigators who have a background in law enforcement will understand the system and how to work within it. An investigator must be able to produce evidence or other legal materials that will hold up in court. Additionally, an investigator must be prepared to testify in support of the evidence. Make sure the investigator you choose has a strong background in the law. Ask if he or she is prepared to come to court if the situation requires it. If you have the time, ask the investigator if he or she has ever testified in a similar case.

Remember, if your situation ends up in the court system, your case will be that much stronger if your private investigator is skilled at testifying and presenting the information he’s uncovered.

To be considered an expert and eligible to testify, a private investigator will be asked a series of qualifying questions by the judge that may focus on his background, education, experience and anything else that may determine if he's an "expert."

Are They Knowledgeable About Human Nature?

Understanding what drives people to act in certain ways is incredibly helpful for a profession in private investigation. A private investigator must know how to anticipate people’s actions, how to question them, and how to strategize based on what they learn. While years of experience in studying people may not compensate for a private investigator skilled with technology, a good “people sense” will ultimately make a private investigator more effective in gathering and relaying information.

Tips to Prepare for an Initial Meeting With a Private Investigator

Many people wonder what they should bring to an initial meeting with a private investigator. In short, ti's best to bring all relevant documents and information, and be prepared to summarize your basic needs. For instance, say "Brian" wants to have a surveillance conducted on his wife,  "Emma." For his consultation, Brian should provide an accurate description of his wife (bring a picture) and her car, as well as any significant addresses, like her office, local hangouts, friends' houses, etc. It will be incredibly helpful if you can provide a 24 hour scenario detailing what her typical day-to-day life is like.

Don't worry too much about acquiring all the details, as this is just the first step toward hiring someone. Ultimately, you're just gathering information about service, fees and the investigator. The investigator will walk you through the process as well as what he or she needs to do the job correctly.

The initial consultation shouldn't involve any costs, which will help you make a decision without having to worry as much about cost. Be sure to give yourself time to evaluate your needs with the new information you have gathered from a consultation. If you decide to use a particular agency, be sure to schedule a follow-up meeting to initiate the process. You can then provide additional information at that time.

United Security Incorporated| Private Investigators in CT, NY, MA, NJ and PA

While many of us want to see the good in people, the world does have it's fair share of dishonest and fraudulent people. We recognize that there are situations that call for professional guidance and assistance when individuals and companies are concerned about the truth.

Whether our private investigators are working to help an attorney gather evidence, investigate investment scams or follow a suspected unfaithful spouse, our clients rely on us to minimize the risk and gather clear objective evidence. In today's world, it's definitely better to be safe than sorry, and get the facts.

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