Which Types of Businesses are Most Vulnerable to Theft and Break-Ins?

theftUnfortunately, crime can happen at any business. However, there are some that are more susceptible to theft and break-ins than others. It's important all businesses acquire the right security and undergo a property evaluation for a security assessment. A security assessment will help business owners gain more knowledge about how effective their current security is, the latest technology and techniques available and if security officers are a valuable resource. However, are some businesses more susceptible to crime? And, if so, what are those businesses? To address the main question, refer to this article to learn which businesses are most at-risk for break-ins and theft as well as what can be done to advance safety and security. 

Differences Between Theft, Burglary, And Robbery

First and foremost, it's important to understand the difference between theft, burglary and robbery. No business owner would want any of these crimes to occur but high-risk businesses should be aware of which is common for their commercial property as one is more dangerous than the other. 

Theft: This is the most common crime committed at commercial properties. Theft occurs when someone takes property belonging to someone else without the owners knowledge and has the intention of permanently keeping that property. Most types of theft happen in retail and grocery stores with items that are small enough to pocket or stuff in bags. This can be deemed as "petty theft," although is still considerably damaging to a business's reputation and property costs. 

Burglary: Burglary and theft are closely related. However, burglary doesn't necessarily have to include stolen property. To commit a burglary you must enter a structure or property with the intent to commit a crime within it. Additionally, this doesn't mean that force had to be taken. Just by entering or attempting to enter the property by even just lifting a window, is ground to be committed for burglary. Burglary usually involves money and happens during closed hours. People break into gas stations and business that typically don't have a good security system and attempt to steal the money and other valuable items. 

Robbery: This type of theft is more threatening as robbery means an individual is using force or threat of force to steal property belonging to someone else. Robbery is a violent crime and can happen anywhere but is common for businesses with low security as well as businesses with valuable items such as jewelry stores, banks and malls. 

Business Most At Risk (Statistics) 

All owners should know they put their business at risk with outdated security systems. However, statistically speaking, some business types encounter more crime than others. According to the 2017 FBI Crime Report, there were 280,357 robberies in 2016 and only 16.6% accounted for residences. Commercial houses such as retail stores, malls and restaurants had over 42,783 robberies around the United States in 2016. Other businesses affected by robberies were gas stations, convenience stores and banks. According to the report the bulk of burglaries happened to residences but a large majority also occurred at non-residential locations such as offices and stores. Lastly, theft had the highest offenses, totaling in 4,971,925. The highest percentage of theft was shoplifting accounting for over 20.9%, which can affect any business with products that can be easily hidden in pockets, backpacks or purses. 

Which Businesses are the Most Vulnerable

Commercial businesses such as retail stores, malls, restaurants had more robberies than any other type of business. Commercial businesses as well as convenience stores house many valuable commodities that are left out in the open. Often times, these items can be taken quickly without anyone noticing. For this reason, this type of business is the most vulnerable to theft and break-ins. However, every type of business that holds anything valuable inside can be a target. Therefore, it’s important to take proper precautions and have security measures in place to minimize these threats and keep your property safe.

Security For Your Business 

Protect your business from break-ins and all types of theft by acquiring the right security specifically for your business type. For example, large businesses such as malls need high security with several cameras around the property, access control systems and several security officers. However, smaller properties with less people and access points may not need to invest in that much security and businesses with lower-cost items such as gas stations and convenience stores may not have the need or income for security officers like a bank or jewelry store. To better understand what security you need that also stays within your budget, speak with a company that not only provides the latest technology and well-trained officers but one that will also work with you, come to your property and assess specifically what you need to keep your business, employees and patrons safe. 

USI Security | Keeping Your Business Safe

We know every client’s risks and business objectives are different requiring customized security approaches, policies, procedures and requirements. By providing everything from on-site security guards to investigation services to remote security camera monitoring we cover a broad range of security needs. Our management and field personnel work with you to develop security solutions that are cost-effective and address your challenges while supporting your business.

Want to learn more on how you can keep your property safe? Click below to schedule a no-cost property evaluation. 

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