How to Prevent Theft at Retail Stores

shoplifterOne of the biggest security problems that retail store managers and owners face is shoplifting. Unfortunately, during the summer crime rates increase, leaving retail stores particularly vulnerable. For this reason, most retail stores are constantly looking for ways to update their security to prevent theft. We’ve compiled a list of tips that can help reduce theft and keep retail stores secure.

Hire Security Officers

Security officers can patrol and monitor your store to prevent theft. You can post them at the entrances to your store as well as any hidden areas. Security officers are trained to look for suspicious activity and will keep an eye on shoppers without detracting from their experience. Additionally, the presence of security officers will deter potential shoplifters out of fear that they will get caught.

Upgrade Your Security System

Your retail store probably already has security cameras, but most stores can benefit from a security system upgrade. Surveillance cameras should be placed around the store and all entrances and exits to properly monitor activity. You should also have a trained security officer monitoring the footage, watching for suspicious activity and reacting if a theft takes place. To provide the best and most reliable footage, your store should be equipped with the latest technology.

Get a Security Risk Assessment

If you’re looking to make improvements to your security, one of the best things you can do is have a security risk assessment. During this process, a representative from a professional security company will come to your store and assess your current security system and protocol. They will then make appropriate suggestions, identifying areas that are particularly vulnerable to theft and other issues. They will identify the best areas to place your surveillance cameras for maximum coverage and tell you which pieces of your system should be updated.

Retrain Employees

It’s never a bad idea to hold a refresher course in security protocol for your employees. Remind them how to handle shoplifters if they are caught. You should also teach them the warning signs to look out for to help prevent shoplifting. When your employees are alert and take an active role in preventing theft, shoplifting rates will go down.

Rearrange Your Store

If you’re concerned about shoplifting and security breaches, you should consider rearranging your store. You can change the arrangement so that there are no blind spots in which customers can hide and steal from the store. You should also carefully consider the placement of employees, ensuring that employees are posted around the store so that every spot in the store can be seen. Rearranging your store can give it a fresh look for the summer while improving its overall security.

Install Mirrors

One of the best ways to prevent blind spots in your store is to install mirrors. Mirrors can make the store more visible for employees, making hard-to-see areas easier to monitor. When employees can easily see the entire store, they will be able to watch for shoplifters and prevent theft more easily. When potential shoplifters see the mirrors, they will be less likely to try to steal because there will be nowhere to hide.

Keep High-Risk Items Visible

Another way to prevent theft in your store is to organize your items well. Place small items and frequently stolen items away from exits or blind spots. Instead, keep these items near your registers where employees can see them. If your store has items that are at particularly high risk of being stolen, it’s a good idea to keep them visible to prevent theft.

Leverage Your Customer Service

A great way to prevent theft while improving the experience of your customers is to leverage your customer service. Make sure your employees greet each customer when they walk through the door. Have enough employees walking around to make sure the area is properly monitored. Make sure your employees are frequently acknowledging customers, offering help when needed. When your customers know that your employees are attentive, they are less likely to steal because they will fear getting caught.

USI Security | Security For Retail Businesses

At USI Integrated Solutions, we bring together a highly experienced team, keen strategic planning and in-depth understanding of the leading technologies and security services in the field. For 25 years we have brought peace of mind to our clients through the careful application of investigative talent, technology implementation as well as providing trained and licensed security officers. Learn more about our products and services to improve the safety of your property at or give us a call at 1-800-874-6434.

Click below to schedule a no-cost property evaluation, for an in-depth consultation about innovative security solutions that can help enhance your property's security.

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