When Should You Upgrade Your Access Control System?


Access control is the first line of defense for your company’s security. If your system is out of date, it’s likely you’re at a higher risk for breaches and vulnerable to physical security misuse. Traditional keys and fobs are prone to being copied, lost or stolen, making your business more vulnerable to theft and hackers. Systems that are only a few years old are already more susceptible to hackers, so the longer you put off upgrading your access control system, the more risk you’re putting your business in. We’ve put together five signs to help you determine whether it’s time to upgrade your access control system so you can better avoid risk. 

You’re Worried about Security Threats 

While no business wants to experience security threats or breaches, there might be some signals that are indicating your access control needs updating. Even if you haven’t experienced a security threat, it’s important to upgrade before to avoid any problems before they even take place. If a breach does occur, it’s critical for companies to take the right steps to evaluate their current access control technology and determine how the breach occurred. By doing so, you might come to the conclusion it’s time to upgrade your system to prevent future incidents. 

You’re Still Using Traditional Locks and Keys

Traditional keys are prone to being lost or mixed up. Employees who move on might have copies, which means you’ll need to rekey all the locks to ensure the building is safe. Eliminating “losable” things like keys and keycards could save you a lot of time and money in the long run. A hands-free, mobile-based access control system means fewer lost keys and replacements, and no more rekeying your locks. 

You’re still using equipment from the 90’s or early 2000’s 

Some people upgrade their cell phones every year, so if you’re still using the access control system from when you launched your company, it’s definitely time for an upgrade. Older systems are susceptible to failures because the technology is outdated, which can lead to security issues. Even if your system is only a few years old, you should still check out if upgraded access control technology could optimize your system. 

You’re not on the cloud

Upgrading to a cloud-based access control system can keep the software that runs your access control system safe by putting it on a heavily-encrypted remote server that is connected to the internet. Cloud-based access control systems also offer considerable cost savings due to the fact that it's easier to integrate and requires less maintenance. 

Your company is growing

If your company is experiencing growth, the types of access control you’re using might not be able to support that. New employees will need access to the building, so running out of key cards can pose an issue, which is another sign it might be time to upgrade your system. Eliminating key cards completely will allow you to keep up with your company’s growth, and if you plan on further expanding to new locations, a cloud-based solution is more scalable. 

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