Does Your Business Need a Video Surveillance System?


A top priority for any business should be the safety of it’s employees and assets. Unfortunately, many businesses often neglect safety precautions, and end up in messy situations that can impact a company significantly. One of the best ways businesses can keep their on-site assets safe is with video surveillance. A video surveillance system is much more affordable than employing physical security, and can provide just as much safety and security in your office. In this blog, we’re going to go over some of the benefits of video surveillance, and things to consider when choosing a system.

Benefits of Video Surveillance

No business can think they wouldn’t ever be subject to theft, break-ins, or any form of criminal activity. In fact, having poor security because you don’t think you’re at risk makes you a better target. It’s better to be prepared for a situation than not, and video surveillance can provide you with that preparation. Here are some of the benefits video surveillance can provide.

Theft deterrence – Even if you don’t think you have considerable high-value physical assets at your business, there are many criminals and hackers who could exploit confidential information if they got their hands on it. A single stolen laptop can do irreversible damage, just think of all the credentials and personal data that is contained on your own.

Employee safety – Having video surveillance in and around your building can help keep away potential criminals if they are visible. If employees know there are cameras at work, it can also help them feel safer and more comfortable at work.

Lower insurance cost and fraud deterrence – security cameras can help prevent insurance fraud if someone falsely claims an injury on your site. Some insurance companies may even give you a discount on premiums if you can prove you’ve invested in a quality security system.

Real-time surveillance – with video surveillance, you can have real-time footage that can be viewed on site or even remotely. This allows businesses to monitor activity whether they are on site, on a mobile phone or tablet and even over the weekends.

Choosing a Video Surveillance System

Before you start searching for a video surveillance system, it’s important to understand what areas of your office, building etc. you want to monitor. This will help you determine the types of hardware and software you should be looking for. Because modern security technology is ever-advancing, there are many different cameras that have different capabilities. Some provide 360-degree views, some can zoom in and out automatically, and others will stay within their initial focus settings. If you’re looking for outdoor cameras, you’ll need a system that can handle temperature fluctuations and have infrared technology for night time. You’ll also want to consider what your businesses growth plan is. If you think you might be scaling your business up, then you’ll want to invest in a system that you can easily scale up as well.  

Video surveillance can be a great investment for the safety and security of your business. It’s also important for business owners to take the necessary responsibility of implementing strong security for employees and assets, and make sure that security is taken seriously by everyone in the workplace.

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