In school, the three R’s, reading, writing and arithmetic are well known but it’s also important to learn about the three S’s, safety, safety and safety. School safety can never be overstated and it’s vital for all schools from elementary to college, to utilize the latest security technology thus ensuring everyone on campus is safe. Not too long ago, there were days of open campuses where visitors could come and go, however, times have changed and more security measures need to be taken. Read further to learn more about the importance of improving school security technology to enhance overall safety and how schools can do so.

School Safety Is Of The Top Parental Concerns
A parent can’t be there at all times and this raises a lot of concerns when children are away at school. These concerns have increased due to several recent security breaches happening at schools. Incidents of severe violence at schools both in the United States and abroad have resulted in increasing public and political analysis and promptings to enhance ways to secure the school system more efficiently. These acts of violence have elevated awareness of safety measures and are an unfortunate but important reason to update school security technology. What are the steps needed to help improve school safety?
Undergo A Risk Assessment Of School Property
The best way to know if your campus is applying the most effective security technology is to utilize a risk assessment of the school property. An assessment that analyzes each and every entry point, visitor access, hallway cameras as well as the play ground area will benefit the school as you’ll know the sections needing improvement. Not only can you see what areas require an upgrade but also have the opportunity to learn about innovative security technology that advances school safety measurements altogether.
Using Advanced Security Technology
With so much technology available, schools should be using what is available to ensure the highest levels of safety. The following are some examples of security technology that can be implanted at schools:
- With security cameras placed in optimal locations, you’ll be able to monitor all activity in and around the property. A lot of properties still have outdated cameras that commonly experience technical difficulties or have blind spots increasing safety risks. Installation of new cameras or even updating old camera systems will allow for security improvement.
- Access control systems are a valuable commodity utilized by many schools as the first step in monitoring who is entering and exiting the school’s main door. Access control systems allow the administration a greater understanding of what teachers, parents, other staff, and visitors are in the building at all times and an ongoing history for record keeping. When tied to a camera video monitoring system that is recording the access keypad, it can be utilized to approve visitors who may be entering without prior authorization or appointments.
- Implementing intrusion systems aid in protecting the school during and after hours of operation. Intrusion detection alarms play an essential role in deterring criminal activity by alerting the public, the professional monitoring company, and most importantly, the police of a potential break-in. Integrating a new and effective system into an overall security strategy can reduce the potential for criminal damage by increasing the degree of difficulty and risk of detection for the criminal when entering school premises.
- Check out more technology a school can use here.
United Security Incorporated | School Security Technology
At USI Integrated Solutions, we bring together a highly experienced team, keen strategic planning and in-depth understanding of the leading technologies in the field. For over 30 years we have brought peace of mind to our clients through the careful application of investigative talent and technology implementation. Learn more about our products and services to improve the safety of your school campus at or give us a call at 1-800-874-6434.