Employee Theft: When Should You Hire A Private Investigator?

Employee Theft: When You Should Hire A Private InvestigatorRegardless of a company's size, every industry is vulnerable to employee theft in some fashion. In fact, according to Statistic Brain, an average of $50 billion dollars is stolen annually from U.S. businesses by employees (Source).

Employee theft is not wholly indicative of one employee’s selfish acts; rather, it can be the manifestation of many issues that exist within the company structure. Product and time theft are frequently the result of the lack of oversight by management or the absence of adequate checks and balances. On the other hand, competent internal accounting and accountability is often the driving factor in helping companies to recognize a need for private investigators.

Regardless of the service or industry, the goal of an employee theft investigation is to stop the bleeding and hold the guilty party culpable for their acts, often in the court of law.

This post examines why companies may use private investigative services, and offers tips to help identify theft and the need for a private investigator.

Why Companies use Private Investigative Services

You've likely worked hard for years to build your business from the bottom up, suffering righteously through long hours, time away from your family, dedicating years of your life. So, it's a major frustration when employees decide to steal from what you have worked so hard to build.

Business leaders frequently question whether hiring a private investigator is necessary for their company. In reality, there is a wide variety of unique advantages that an experienced private investigator (PI) can offer which internal employees and departments cannot. 

Though the local police can provide assistance in investigating cases after the fact, there are many benefits to being proactive so that you can catch a problem early on or even prevent theft. Private investigators have the ability to perform surveillance, computer forensics, forensic accounting, and a variety of other services that ensure the truth is unveiled.

Hiring a private investigator provides unique advantages, especially for private companies. It saves money, time and the hassle of having to request for police assistance. On top of that, private investigators use state-of-the-art technology and advanced investigative techniques to provide expert surveillance, conduct undercover investigations, and perform interviews that provide objective proof of the wrongdoing that will be admissible in court.

Employee Theft: Who's Vulnerable?

Regardless of your company's size, every industry is vulnerable to employee theft. Take a look at this handy infographic, compiled by Hiscox. It examines trends for employee theft and advice to combat this.

Identifying Theft and The Need For A Private Investigation

There’s a few steps that business owners can take to help identify and prevent further damages due to theft. Here are a few red flags to watch for that may indicate the need to investigate:

  • Employees Who Staunchly Prefer To Work Alone: There’s nothing inherently wrong with an introverted person who prefers to work alone. However, if a worker is up to no good, he or she may make an effort to avoid management or even other employees. Watch for employees who seem to always be the first ones in and the last ones to leave at the end of the day. Unfortunately, this is also the sign of a good employee.
  • An Employee Who Refuses To Take Time Off: Let’s face it— everyone needs to take time off on occasion, and most people look forward to taking time away from work. However, those who are engaging in fraudulent activities may avoid taking vacation time, as they fear that heir illegal activities might be unearthed during their absence.
  • Employees Living Beyond His Or Her Means: When one of your employees starts showing up with a variety of extravagant items, like an expensive suit, jewelry, or a brand new high-end vehicle, it could be a sign that something nefarious is going on, especially if the purchases far exceed their pay grade.
  • Physical Items Are Missing: This is the strongest indicator, of course. Thieving employees may target petty cash, checks, merchandise, or even office supplies. Keep a close watch and make note as soon as anything suspicious occurs.

United Security Incorporated | Private Investigators in CT, NY, and MA

While many of us want to see the good in people, the world does have it's fair share of dishonest and fraudulent people. We recognize that there are situations that call for professional guidance and assistance when individuals and companies are concerned about the truth.

Whether our private investigators are working to help an attorney gather evidence, investigate investment scams or follow a suspected unfaithful spouse, our clients rely on us to minimize the risk and gather clear objective evidence. In today's world, it's definitely better to be safe than sorry, and get the facts.

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