Top 5 Ways Attorneys Can Use Private Investigators

Private investigators are highly skilled at discovering important information. For attorneys, this skill can come in handy, as private investigators can aid in investigations to help prepare for trial or negotiations. Not only do private investigators lessen the workload for attorneys, but they can also discover information that attorneys might not be trained to look for. We’ve compiled a list of the top five benefits of hiring a private investigator for attorneys.

private investigator for attorneys

1. Locating People and Assets

Whether you are trying to locate witnesses to testify, talk to people to gather more information on a case or even investigate potential suspects, a private investigator can help. For instance, you may be having trouble locating a former employee who can provide information on needed information regarding corporate misconduct. Attorneys know that time matters in every case and the right information can be time sensitive. Therefore, it's important to locate the people needed to progress the case as quickly and effectively as possible. Whether you would like to interview, serve, or investigate someone, a private investigator can help you identify and locate the needed individuals.

When it comes to extensive cases, it's not just people that need to be located. Private investigators are commonly hired by attorneys to also locate assets. Assets can be pivotal evidence to a case. For instance, asset investigations help settle personal injury cases, collect debt, and confirm financial statements during a divorce or a child support case. Additionally, a private investigator can also help attorneys identify bank accounts as well as offshore accounts that may be strategically hidden. 

2. Enforcing Judgment Recovery 

When a court awards judgment for damages, it can be a challenge to ensure the payment is enforced. A private investigator can be used in cases where the debtor, person or company who is responsible to pay the money owed for damages attempt to conceal their assets, refuse to pay, or simply disappear to avoid payment. These private investigators should have experience in judgment recovery to have the needed skill set that helps identify assets, locate the individual and help recover the debt owed. 

Most people are unaware that they are the one's responsible for pursuing the money owed, which leads to several cases where the court judgments are never recovered. Private investigators can help recover debt through several investigative strategies to address multiple angles that help discover what they are looking for to enforce payment.

3. Cross Examination Preparation

It's valuable to know everything about an individual before the cross examination. Being prepped by a private investigator beforehand will give you all the needed information to get the testimony that works in your favor. Private investigators can give you information about your witnesses' background, behavioral tendencies and even any notable weaknesses. A private investigator is also useful in collecting information against your client, solely to prepare yourself for any allegations that may be brought up against your client. 

4. Identify Leverage For Negotiations

Attorneys can benefit from private investigators with services that assist with leverage for negotiations. These services can collect key sources and needed information that can assist with litigation or other oppositional circumstances. Additionally, in regards to leverage for negotiations, private investigators can also identify all individuals related to unidentifiable corporations or to inform attorneys about unrevealed connections between different people. 

5. Analyze Your Opponent's History

The history of the case or your client can piece together needed information that is detrimental to reveal how and why certain circumstances occurred. For instance, you may need information regarding the history of a family that will aid in locating heirs. On the other hand, you may need to analyze corporate history that can aid in a real estate dispute. Whatever the issue at hand, a private investigator can help to identify and collect the needed information that gathers lost documents, evidence and witnesses.

United Security Incorporated | Private Investigator Services 

While many of us want to see the good in people, the world does have its fair share of dishonest and fraudulent people. We recognize that there are situations that call for professional guidance and assistance when individuals and companies are concerned about the truth.

Whether our private investigators are working to help an attorney gather evidence, investigate investment scams or follow a suspected unfaithful spouse, our clients rely on us to minimize the risk and gather clear objective evidence. In today's world, it's definitely better to be safe than sorry, and get the facts.

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