Tips To Prepare For A Child Custody Investigation

A child custody case can be sensitive as much as it is complex. Therefore, it's important to prepare for the investigation and the court hearing that follows. How can you prove to a judge that you deserve either full custody or even partial custody? Read this article to better prepare yourself during the investigation to ensure you have the right information during the court case. 


What is a Child Custody Investigation?

A child custody investigation is an impartial observation of a child’s welfare and lifestyle. This observation may be required for instances such as a part of a divorce case as well as a custody case. A child custody investigation is an impartial observation of a child’s welfare and lifestyle. This observation may be required for instances such as a part of a divorce case as well as a custody case. Typically, the investigation will assess how his or her guardians treat the child. The assessment will be reported to the court and will be used in custody evaluations. This analysis is especially important to assist in a divorce case as it provides impartial and reliable evidence.

Have All Your Documents Prepared

It’s important to have any documents pertaining to the case readily available. For instance, parents or guardians will typically be required to provide information about the people in their children’s lives as well as other information that may be needed. Have this information ready as well as other documentation to give when the court asks for it. 

Additionally, if multiple types of documentation and information such as background checks are needed, it’s important to have a professional help track that for you. Work with a private investigator, as they will be able to evaluate your current situation and determine whether or not changes or more information is needed before your court hearing.

Talk To Your Attorney

No matter how knowledgeable you are with legal issues, you will more than likely still have questions or concerns that need addressing about the case. For this reason, it's important to regularly communicate with your attorney. 

Know The Different Types Of Child Custody

Prepare yourself by knowing the different types of child custody as you'll have a better understanding of what to expect from the court's decisions. Based on the investigation analysis, the following are a couple types of custody that the guardians may receive from the court:

Physical/Legal/Sole Custody

These different types of custody decide who the child lives with and who can make legal decisions for the child. Sole custody means that one parent takes care of the child and also makes all the decisions. 

Joint Custody

There are two different types of joint custody - joint legal custody and joint physical custody. Joint legal custody means both parents have a say in decisions for the child but a major dispute will result in the court handling the issue. Joint physical custody means the child will divide their time between each parent. 


Hire A Private Investigator

Hiring a private investigator could help you remediate a divorce case. If you believe that your spouse has been deceitful or has been hiding assets, hiring a private investigator is a wise investment since they can access information that is difficult for the average person to access. Private investigators can also testify at court on your behalf and help you come of of the divorce on top (if the evidence is on your side, of course). 

Similarly, private investigators can help you obtain custody of your child by determining and document which parent is truly caring for the child. Private investigators can gather evidence indicating which parent would be the best option for the child. Having a licensed private investigator testify on your behalf can hold a lot of weight in court and help you obtain custody of your child.

Before you hire someone, remember that a private investigator can help your attorney uncover evidence, if and when needed.

USI | Private Investigators in CT, NY, and MA

While many of us want to see the good in people, the world does have it's fair share of dishonest and fraudulent people. We recognize that there are situations that call for professional guidance and assistance when individuals and companies are concerned about the truth.

Whether our private investigators are working to help an attorney gather evidence, investigate investment scams or follow a suspected unfaithful spouse, our clients rely on us to minimize the risk and gather clear objective evidence. In today's world, it's definitely better to be safe than sorry, and get the facts. 

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