How Businesses can Stay Safe and Avoid Burglaries
USI Security 01/25/2021
2 Minutes


Of course every business wants to protect their assets, employees, and anything else they find valuable to the company. But many times they are left susceptible to crimes because they don’t take the proper initiative to have security measures in place. Other times, businesses won’t even report burglaries as they feel the police will be of no help. Crimes of any kind at a workplace can have a lasting effect on owners and staff, which is why we’ve put together a list of actions businesses can take to protect themselves from vandalism, theft or property damage. 

Protect Valuables

Most burglaries occur when criminals are aware there are valuables left unattended. The best way to prevent this is by providing your employees with lockers, ensuring their belongings aren’t left exposed, and other valuable assets are locked up at the end of the day. 

Surveillance System

A surveillance can protect your business both internally and externally. Surveillance cameras are one of the most effective ways to protect your business as you can constantly monitor it. Many systems have the ability to watch live surveillance on your phone, laptop or tablet in the case that you’re not on the property but want to keep tabs. You’ll have to place signs up that inform people they are being filmed, but that can actually deter criminals away if they know they’re being recorded. 


Again, having locks for valuables around the office is crucial for preventing theft. It’s important to update old locks in case staff members move on or if keys are stolen or lost. Key fobs can also be tracked so you can know who locked and unlocked doors at the specific time it happened. 

Invest in an Alarm System

If a burglar does damage your property, installing an alarm could aid in preventing further damage. Smart alarm kits will notify your phone instantly if an alarm goes off, that way you can take the next necessary steps to resolve the situation. 


While this is not crime related, in the event of a fire, the interior of an office and its content could potentially be destroyed. If you have important documents or items that need extra protection, investing in a fireproof cabinet or safe could be the best way to actually save them. 

For insurance and safety purposes, following these simple steps can make a huge difference to the overall protection of your business and staff. Implementing these necessary safety measures will give you peace of mind throughout the day that your workplace is protected. Criminal activity can be a costly and unpleasant burden to a business, so it’s important for your overall reputation to protect your assets and employees. 

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