7 Qualities of a Good Mall Security Officer

Mall security officers are tasked with the difficult job of protecting shopping malls. Without security officers, shopping malls will be vulnerable to theft and other threats. In order to properly protect your shopping mall, however, it’s not enough to have security officers. It’s important to have security officers of the highest quality. Here are some qualities to look for in a good mall security officer.

mall security officer

1. Preparedness

Every mall security officer should be prepared at all times. They should receive proper training that will equip them for any situation they might encounter. They should also have proper equipment and wear proper attire to be sure that they are ready for any potential threat.

2. Quick Reflexes

A good mall security officer should have quick reflexes and be able to respond any situation quickly. He or she should be able to quickly analyze a situation and react with little lag time. A mall security officer with slow reflexes will not be able to handle emergency situations with the necessary efficiency.

3. Good Judgment

In addition to responding to a situation quickly, a good mall security officer should be able to respond to a situation appropriately. He or she should be able to assess any potential threat and decide how to react to solve the issue appropriately and efficiently. A mall security officer with bad judgment will not be able to respond to a situation in a way that will help protect the shopping mall.

4. Strong Communication Skills

It’s important that a mall security officer has strong communication skills. He or she will need to communicate with the public in order to alert them of any issues and provide directions in case of emergency. They will also need to communicate well with other team members to assess any potential threat appropriately. Additionally, security officers will need to write accurate reports of any issues that have occurred.

5. Calm Temperament

A quality mall security officer should have a calm temperament and be able to stay calm under pressure. He or she should be able to maintain a level head in intense situations in order to make a good decision about the next step. A calm temperament is essential to making a rational decision in a time of crisis.

6. Strength and Fitness

Mall security officers should maintain a high level of strength and fitness. In the case of a physical confrontation, a mall security officer needs to be strong enough to break it up and solve the issue without hurting anyone. A good mall security officer should also be fit enough to chase down a thief when necessary. Although day-to-day operations might not involve physical fitness, a mall security officer should maintain these attributes to be ready for any potential issue.

7. Alertness

A mall security officer should be highly alert at all times. He or she should be very perceptive and always surveying the world around him or her. A good security officer will be able to assess which issues or people pose threats to mall security and be ready to respond at all times.

United Security Incorporated | Security Officer Staffing

Although it’s tempting to hire security officers as quickly as possible to protect your property, ultimately it will cost you more than it’s worth in the long term. Hiring unqualified security officers can damage your company’s reputation and financial livelihood, compromising security. It’s best to take your time and develop a hiring process that will help you get the high quality security officers that you need. In the end it is the only way to ensure your company’s long-term success.

Take a look at our “Security Officer Checklist” to ensure that you find the right officers to meet your building’s complex needs.

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