7 Benefits of Cloud-Based Visitor Management Systems on Campuses


The safety and security of school campuses has become a top priority over the years. Knowing who is visiting and how long they will be there is critical to the safety and security of others, and for that reason many organizations have started implementing visitor management systems. Paper logbooks have always been the norm for visitors to sign in, but issues of accuracy and security have been raised by this basic system. A cloud-based visitor management system has many benefits and are becoming increasingly more popular to ensure campuses are safe and secure. Here are 7 reasons to consider getting one. 

Faster to Integrate

A cloud-based visitor system is a fast and easy set up, and there’s no dedicated server to configure. Integration of this system can be done within hours and can save you a lot of time and money compared to other networked security systems.

Lower Cost

As mentioned, organizations no matter what size or type can save on costs associated with a cloud-based system. Instead of having dedicated servers, system-specific hardware, cabling and more installed, the cost for a cloud-based system only falls into the category of the operating expense. 

Faster, Easier Software System Updates 

Software updates needed for your visitor management system can be scheduled and implemented seamlessly, and you can plan it in advance. Updates will take care of backup, recovery and data as well as new features and patches will be automatically applied to the software you already have. 

Increased Data Security

One of the major benefits of cloud-based visitor management is the increased data security. Your provider will store data securely off-site with multiple backups to ensure any third-party information is securely stored and remains confidential. Settings can be configured to ensure only authorized personnel can be granted access to visitor data, further limiting the possibility of a breach. 

Watch List Information

One feature of visitor management systems is what’s called a watch list, which screens any visitor for previous violations or threats they might pose. With a cloud-based system, there’s no need to continually update watch lists on a local server across multiple locations, as it offers time-saving security benefits by being able to enter a watch list entry just once and deploy it across all locations. 

Fast Communication with First Responders and Staff

If a dangerous visitor does come onto your campus and tries to gain access, a cloud-based system can immediately send an alert via text, email, mobile and web-based push notifications to a list of recipients like first responders or security personnel. This ensures prompt action for the situation and can help keep staff and students safe until help arrives. 

Integration with Other Security Systems

A cloud-based system can be integrated with other technology-based systems such as facial recognition cameras, door-locking systems, access control, sirens, etc. This can be done very quickly and easily through APIs or SDKs allowing all your security systems to be in sync. 

Keeping everyone safe on a campus is of the utmost of importance, and by choosing a cloud-based visitor management system, you can significantly increase the safety and security of your facilities, as well as save time and resources in the process. 

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