Protect Your Business From Burglars & Shoplifters.
Your business is most vulnerable to break ins overnight and on weekends. Burglars plan their devious activities for these times, as they know that businesses are deserted, giving them plenty of time to break in and take anything of value. A commercial security system will halt burglars in their tracks: the system detects their presence, alerts the authorities, and can notify you that something is happening.
Yet, not all thieves use the dark to their advantage; there are numbers shoplifters who steal in broad daylight. By installing a commercial security system, you will be able to monitor several areas of your building using closed circuit TV monitors. Additionally, you can install an access control system to prevent unauthorized people from accessing certain areas of the building.
Guard Your Business From False Worker’s Compensation Claims
The unfortunate truth is that there are some people who try to take advantage of their employers through false worker’s compensation claims. Video surveillance adds a layer of protection— decreasing the chances that someone can fraud their way to “free money.” In many cases, if you have the technology to do so, it’s important to keep footage from each camera for at least a year— you do not want to lose evidence, if a worker waits weeks or months before he or she decides to make a claim. Essentially, with a video surveillance system installed in your business, it’s simple to verify or dispute a claim.
Prevent Employee Theft
Companies lose a significant amount of money each and every year due to employee theft. Adding video surveillance to your current security system can help to curb this type of behavior. Surveillance cameras placed in obvious locations will implicitly inform employees that someone is watching, while hidden cameras in main locations can catch employees being honest. While it’s not pleasant to assume employees would steal from a business; it’s crucial to protect your livelihood.Improve Business Strategy
Once you have cameras installed with different vantage points throughout the building— you may be able to gain a new perspective on your businesses’ customer flow. With security cameras, you can also assess common traffic patterns and the areas where customers spend the most time.
Improving Older Systems: Savings on Security
Obviously, CCTV solutions have been used by businesses across the country for decades; however, new systems are miles ahead of the originals in terms of efficiency and affordability. Many modern surveillance systems capture high-resolution imagery, which allows users to easily identify trespassers and can even include full motion control. So, even if you have an older legacy system, there are still benefits to reap.United Security Incorporated | Security For Businesses
When it comes to the security of your building, it's best not to leave it up to chance. Be sure that you have made every effort possible to keep your property, employees, and visitors well protected. If you have any concerns, you should consider having your security measures evaluated by a reputable company.